These are images of birds presented in my novel, Parallels That Cross. Hover on green names for images of actual species. Those in blue are fictional birds that I imagined as possible for the novel. Species are arranged alphabetically so that you can more rapidly locate a particular bird. I obtained these images from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’sMacaulay Library through ebird where additional information, such as geographic range and songs, can be found. See Birds of Peru (Schulenberg et. al., 2010) for a field guide to all bird species in Peru.
These images, and all materials and content displayed or accessible through them, are protected by copyright and owned by Cornell University (Macaulay Library, ebirds and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology), its licensors or the party credited as the content provider.
Long-whiskered Owlet(This owl is real but I gave it a fictional scientific name in the novel, Xenoglaux lowelli, similar to its real name, Xenoglaux loweryi)